How to Transform Natural Writing Talent into a Paying Job

There seems to be an endless number of blogs, websites, and online publications looking for writers. But, getting hired on as a writer, even as a contractor, can be difficult. If you have natural writing talent, there are a few things you can do to help you turn that skill into cash.

Find Your Voice

First, you should find your own voice. When businesses look for content writers, they have an ideal writer in mind. They may want articles written in a professional voice. They may want something more casual. They may want you to have previous experience writing on a certain topic.

Before you begin sending out your work, take a look at the things you’ve written. What do you love talking about? What do you have a lot of background knowledge in? Once you know your own writing strengths, look for opportunities that fit them. Don’t look for cool writing opportunities and then try to “fake it till you make it.” 

Freelance Sites

There are a lot of options for sites that will allow you to create a profile as a writer and take work from buyers on the platform. It can be hard to get momentum on these sites, but once you do, this can be a great option for building clientele.

The main downside is that these sites will take a percentage of your sales. However, keep in mind that they help you market yourself and protect you from scammers who want to take your work and then ghost you when it comes time for payment. 

Entering Contests

 If you have strong creative writing skills (either fiction or non-fiction), consider looking for contests that pay their winners. There are hundreds of writing contests that you can submit your work into either online or through the mail, it’s just a matter of finding the right ones for you.

Consider signing up for a notification emailing list like Every week, they’ll send you an email about publishers who are accepting submissions, what kind of content they are looking for, and a link to the submission page. Be sure to only submit your piece when it meets the guidelines of the contest. Don’t just submit the same piece to every contest in hopes that someone will pick it up.

Talk about Your Work

One of the easiest ways to promote yourself as a writer is to just talk to your friends, family, and anyone you meet about your asperations. You never know who may be looking for someone to help writing articles for their blog or a cover letter for their job application.

Get a simple business card printed up with your website address (if you have one) and your email so they know how to reach you if something comes up. Word of mouth is one of the cheapest and easiest ways to market yourself, so don’t pass it up.

Getting started as a writer can be challenging when there’s so much competition, but it’s not impossible! Use these tips to help you launch your writing career today.

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  1. Make Money Writing in 2020 (For Beginners) - Insomnicat Media

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